
In managing my personal finances over several years, I realized that the commercial off-the shelf personal finance products/services did not meet my specific needs. Over several years, I tried to use my software programming skills to build my own tool. In 2009, I finally built a tool based on Microsoft Excel. I was able to collect my learning over several years and include them all into this personal finance tool called “Dhanam” (in Sanskrit, it means ‘money’) developed in a week’s time during the Christmas shutdown break at Hewlett Packard where I used to work. Though useful, it needed a lot of manual intervention and did not weave into the daily routine like a mobile app does. So, I started working on FinanceGuru – an Android app that has continuously evolved from Android Lollipop until Android 10. The latest app is available for install in Google Play Store

Please leave your comments and rate my app if you have benefited from this handy personal finance management tool or have any feedback to improve this further.

Note that you can maximize your benefits from FinanceGuru if you do the following:

  • Build a fiscal discipline to keep data updated at least once a month
  • Update all control parameters to reflect market reality…As an example, set proper values for Inflation to reflect current reality
  • Use this app to guide your investments and financial decisions

Happy investing and finance management!


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