
Home to a variety of topics that Jagan is passionate about

Voice Scape – The home of Jagan’s voice over experiences and contributions…including Requesting for a sample voice over demo

Travel Scape – Jagan’s elaborate travel blog that you can simply replicate for planning your own travels…Read his blog and e’Scape into his wonderful journeys and experiences

Blog Scape – Jagan’s blog covering all other topics – honest reviews of products/services, leadership and management experiences, science, design etc.
What’s unique about the product/service reviews here? Any review here can be read in 15 minutes and will only reflect Jagan’s experiences using the product or service. There will be no detailed specifications, elaborate technical review etc. This honest review will only have two sections:

  1. A summary level star rating about the value for money aspect
  2. A more detailed review about key features from an experience perspective, rated on a 0-100 scale with a color code.  

App Scape – Jagan’s contributions and experiences with Android app development including links to his apps on Google Play Store, his open source contributions and experiences with Android and Flutter programming.

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